Ancient Egyptian Life

The River Nile
The Ancient Egyptians lived around the Nile, moving from time-to-time along the Nile's fertile banks. The flooding of the Nile occurs yearly and enriches the soil, making the ground great for farming, and brings good harvests (and wealth through trading) to the land and its people.

The Ancient Egyptians lived in mud brick houses which they constructed within villages and the country. The Egyptian villages and the people who lived in the country could grow many crops, however most villages were unable to grow all reuired (or desired) crops so they traded with other villages for the crops and goods they could not produce.The richer Egyptians would often go boating for pleasure, and many Egytians liked to play board games such as 'senet' and 'hounds and jackals'.
Many of the Egyptian population worked as farmers, field hands, craftsmen and scribes. Nevertheless, the richer and the other important people were Nobles, who had a higher standard of facilities and possessions. Together, these people made up the Egyptian population.

A pyramid to show where abouts people came in the Egyptian Society
The people of Ancient Egypt would wash everyday, most people would wash with a jug or basin in the Nile, however the richer and more important Egyptians would be given a shower by their slaves. Furthermore, to clean themselves, the Egyptians would use a cleansing cream made from oil, lime and perfume instead of what we use, soap. In addition they would also use a moisturising oil by rubbing it on there skin all over.

As‘make-up’ women used henna to paint their nails and a red ochre paste to redden their lips. Also every Egyptian wore jewellery no matter if they were rich or poor – for the poor would wear something as simple as a copper or faience (made by heating powdered quartz), whereas the rich would wear gold inlaid with gems.

Finally, the fashion of Ancient Egypt scarcely changed over thousands of years, and their clothing usually consisted of white linen as you will find out bor yourelves when you read about what the Egyptians wore. Men wore white linen wrapped around them in a kilt, women wore long, light dresses and children ran around naked during the summer and wore linen or dresses in the winter depending if they were girl(dress) or boy(linen).

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